Being Transformed & Transferred through Technology In this dialogue, Gaymon and I examine the question of how technology is shaping our identities and the way we relate its use to life, ourselves, and others around us. We talk about the importance of ‘space and place’ to make us grounded, and the power of imagination which can help us see what is possible in relation to moving us forward. Dr. Bennett’s work is a cross-sectional approach using technology, science, religion, and history; concepts that don’t necessarily come together in most settings and often are considered as contradictory to one another. In his book “Technicians of Human Dignity”, he examines the figure… Read More
Continue ReadingSex Sleep and Coupledom
Sex, Sleep and Coupledom In this dialogue Dr. Blair and I talk about relationships with sleep and discuss how feelings about bedrooms, beds, and bed-partners can impact the quality of sleep. In our society, there is a stigma against couples that sleep in separate beds. The term ‘sleep divorce’ is a socialized term that stigmatizes the practice of sleeping independent of one’s partner. Contrary to popular opinion, most research shows that having a bed-partner can impact sleep quality. Some argue that it does have the potential to lead to a calmer state of mind and body; so you might fall asleep in a relaxed state. However it can also lead… Read More
Continue ReadingSurviving Harvey Weinstein
Surviving Harvey Weinstein In today’s Little Black Fish episode, I engage in a dialogue with Rowena Chiu who was one of the critical figures who came forward, and vocalized her experience with Harvey Weinstein’s sex scandal. In this intimate and sensitive conversation, Rowena talks about her private experience of the abuse, the stages of emotions that followed, and how she rechanneled aspects of her experience to become an advocate for those who have endured sexual abuse. As a result of her experience she has become the voice of many, and proceeded to advocate for those who go unheard. We talk about the outcomes that arise from being a voice in… Read More
Continue ReadingWellbeing and the Ethical Sellout
Wellbeing and the Ethical Sellout In this two-part discussion, Dr. Hansen and I talk about shifts in mental health approaches and offer suggestions to help reframe the subtle yet strategic outcomes. In the beginning portion of our discussion, Dr. Hansen wears her hat as the director of the Stanford’s Well-being Initiative and speaks on her perspective of the ‘pillars of well-being’. She elaborates on her experience by introducing 8 main pillars of wellbeing that focus to offer an approach of holistic care to students and staff. These pillars include, Eat, Connect, Sex, Sleep, Money, Feel, Seek, and Move. As times have changed, so have mental health tactics. When it comes… Read More
Continue ReadingDrinking in Lockdown and Beyond
Drinking in Lockdown and Beyond Alcohol has a long known history of serving the way we celebrate, cope, and socialize across many societies. Some individuals have a rather healthy relationship with it, some are struggling to keep the balance, and some are neutral. Alcohol consumption lowers one’s mood and inhibitions, and has three major impacts on one’s personal life; these impacts being physiological, relational, and social. Given the current pandemic, many people turn to alcohol for different reasons which we will discuss in this dialogue. People in recovery are struggling, and partners and parents are concerned. They want to know if their loved ones are developing a dependency on alcohol,… Read More
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Sex and the Lockdown with Doortje Braeken Doortje and I speak about the meaning and role of sex in times of high anxiety and despair. She encourages us to be more compassionate, towards ourselves and others and reminds us that sex is not a luxury and is not just about orgasms but a range of physical touch that could bring one joy. Especially in times like these, we are driven to consider basic needs of feeling safe, loved, and achieving agency over our bodies and lives. Some look at sex as a way to be reminded that they are alive, they can still find pleasure in life, and create comfort… Read More
Continue ReadingResilience Redefined
Resilience Redefined with Adina Glickman Adina is the founder of Stanford’s Resilience Project. She has worked with highly accomplished and ambitious students for years to help them learn, adapt, and excel. Some children are back home as colleges and dorms are closed, and others are in lockdowns elsewhere. For the first time, parents and children could be a potential threat to one another in a way that has never been experienced before. They struggle to find space and navigate their dynamic while being confined behind closed doors. Adina brings a positive light to this heavy conversation by inviting us to slow down and reminds us that everyone is impacted by… Read More
Continue ReadingLiving Losses
Living Losses with Julia Samuel In this dialogue, Julia and I talk openly about the shock of our current circumstances in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Living losses that people are experiencing in relation to the pandemic and relative to pre and post occurrence includes strains on jobs, finances, personal freedom, mind-space, relative certainty, our partners as we knew them and so on. We acknowledge that while we are all enduring changes in our daily lives, everyone’s experience of it is different and equally valid. Julia invites us to be kind to ourselves and take it one day at the time. Julia also shares parts of Niebuhr’s serenity prayer “Accept… Read More
Continue ReadingA Back-to-School Guide for Talking to Your Kids About Consent
Consent is not something inherently sexual in nature. It just means that we’re safeguarding our own boundaries, affirming our needs, and respecting the needs and boundaries of others.
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One Day Training in Holistic Assessment and Therapies model H.A.T.
Before I move my practice from the Bay area to Southern California in June, I am excited to invite you to a one day training on the foundation of the H.A.T. model. This is a last minute offering that I am putting together.
You will walk out with reasonable literacy around sexual issues, solid and practical tips and experimental tools to use with your clients/couples and you will be connected to the H.A.T. community which I hope starts a life of its own after I leave.
H.A.T. stands for the Holistic Assessment and Therapies model to address, assess, diagnose, manage and treat sexual dysfunctions.
Time: 9-5 (one hour lunch break)
Date: Sunday April 28
Layout of the day will be 30% didactic, 50% experiential (to embody the knowledge you acquire and learn enactment/techniques to use with clients) and 20% case analysis.
Location: Palo Alto or a larger space in the area.
Who will benefit most: any colleague who works with sexual issues and/or couples (for advanced sexologists or licensed psychosexual therapists please contact me for advanced training in February 2020).
Fee: $475
7 hours of AASECT CE credits and BBS are available (further $50) applies.
Payments: Please send your checks by April 19th:
Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh. 467 Hamilton Avenue, Suite #5. Palo Alto. CA 94301.