Specific Resources
As a part of my mission to create world peace one relationship at a time I am sharing with you what I have learned or created.
Feel free to use these resources for your work and share with whomever that might benefit from them.
Accessible via this link.
Accessible via this link.
Dr. Sara published Sexuality Education Wheel of Context in early 2017 with Dr. Pejman Azarmina. The Wheel of Context was created as a practical framework to ensure that educators, advocates, and researchers in the field of sexuality education maintain a holistic perspective on a selected number of key contextual factors that may influence, hinder, or catalyze their work.
The Wheel of Context may also help provide a greater appreciation for the communities we serve and ultimately lead to more desirable outcomes for our programs or projects. It is not only a tool to build consensus and alignments at the onset of a project, but also a medium to facilitate dialogue among stakeholders, create solutions out of conflicting ideas and a measure to deepen our understanding about the root causes of unforeseen barriers and resistance that we may face.
“We can have all the knowledge in the world but without considering the context, we are all forced to operate from our place of ignorance as prisoners of our individual silos.”
Dr. Sara co-authored The Orgasm Answer Guide with three esteemed colleagues in 2011. The Answer Guide answers common questions about one of life’s most fascinating experiences.
In an accessible question-and-answer format, four of the world’s leading sexuality experts address every aspect of orgasms: how they happen, why they don’t, and what can be done to enhance sexual experiences. The authors provide clear and informed answers to more than 80 common questions, including:
- Can an orgasm cause a heart attack?
- Does childbirth affect orgasm?
- What is the G-spot?
- How can I tell whether my partner is faking an orgasm?
- Do orgasms end at a certain age?
The Orgasm Answer Guide received AASECT’s Book Award Honorable Mention in 2011.
As a former member of the international Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Dr. Nasserzadeh has high appreciation for the power of media and the role it could play in educating a wide range of audience. Below are examples of these collaborations. Her audience mostly know her as “Dr. Sara.”
BBC Persian
One of the 16 segments from Dr. Sara’s program on BBC Persian TV around most commonly asked questions about sexual health.
Dr. Sara Joined The NPR Worldview to discuss the influencing factors around “The culture around silence” around sexual molestation and abuse.
Dr. Sara was the creator and host of this award-winning radio/online program on sex and relationships for the BBC World Service, Persian section. In this photo, Dr. Sara is receiving the BBC World Service Award for the Innovation of the Year from Mark Thompson, Director-General of BBC in February 2007.
Dr. Sara joins Worldview to shed some light on the sexual realities of the Middle East at the NPR studios in New York, April 2012.
Dr. Sara was interviewed by ABC’s (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) leading religion journalist Stephen Crittenden twice, first when she was invited by the UNESCO Institute of Education in Hamburg in 2002, and then when she was attending the World Congress for Sexual Health in Australia in 2007. The Religion Report was a program that covered religious affairs in Australia and around the world from 1999 to 2009.
See Transcript of the Interview
Podcasts and Interviews
Interview: Ignite Intimacy Podcast with Laura Aiisha
In this vibrant and entertaining dialogue, Laura Aiisha asks the most common questions her listeners have about love, intimacy, linguistics of romance and more.
Interview: The Better Sex Podcast with Dr. Jessa Zimmerman.
In this lively conversation Dr. Sara offers a new perspective on passion
Interview: When is it really time for couple therapy?
In this CNN article, Dr. Sara joined her colleague Dr. Ian Kerner to answer this critical question. When couples reach out for professional help, it is sometimes already too late. Their relationship has suffered multiple traumas, dysfunctional patterns are in place and resentment level is high. When it comes to healing your relationship timing is everything.
Featured Interview: In Norwegian: Ekspertens Fem råd for partnervalg (in English Turning love on its head: an antidote to love confusion)
Dr. Sara was interviewed by Ingunn_Saltbones and was featured @VGnett. The article discusses her model of love Emergent Love vs Submergent Love and the 5 ingredients necessary in a relationship to thrive.
Interview: Sex tips … from a Buddhist monk?
In this CNN article Dr. Sara Joined Dr. Kerner to bring some insight into mindfulness and sex.
Interview: How the Japanese ‘love hotel’ trend can improve your sex life?
CNN’s Dr. Kerner this time asked Dr. Sara to bring her global expertise to the table by providing some perspectives about love hotels in Japan.
Interview: Why Size Actually Does Matter
In this Glamour Magazine article written by Kaitlin Menza, Dr. Sara argues that popularity of a large ‘male package’ is overrated.
Featured: Six of the Best Love Doctors
Dr. Sara believes in using a holistic approach for a healthy mind and body. In her interview with Harper’s Bazaar, we learn that to feel sexy, we need to be both physically and psychologically fit. She describes her holistic approach in treating sexual problems at her practice in London.
Interview: Ultimate Sex Tips from the Women Who Know Best!
An interview with the Daily Mirror: 25 tips from Dr. Sara and 5 other top sexologists in England on how to put the ‘x’ back in your sex.
Press Release: Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh to Star in NAKED IN A FISHBOWL
A press release announcing Dr. Sara’s guest star performance in Naked in a Fishbowl in 2011. According to Dr. Sara, “It will be a pleasure to join the talented cast of Naked in a Fishbowl. I will use any channel to get accurate sexual health information to people out there.”
Big Think
Dr. Sara on Big Think talking about love, chemistry and love without sex. Available here.
New Dawn Show
Two segments discussing health benefits of sex and orgasm.
Two episodes on genConnect about faking organism and the secrets of sex.
Q & A with Dr. Sara
Question: “My partner only likes anal sex. Is he gay?”
Naked in a Fishbowl
Dr. Sara improvising on an off-Broadway show in New York.
- Nasserzadeh, .S (2020). “2020 AASECT Award Recipients”. American Journal of Sexuality. Oct is-sue. Education, DOI: 10.1080/15546128.2020.1807431
- Nasserzadeh, S. (2020) “Diversity and Inclusion from bedroom to the boardroom”. The California Psychologist. Official journal of California Psychological Association. 53(2).
- Nasserzadeh, S. (2019) “Introducing the Emergent Love Model”. Relationship Panoramic. Cali-fornia. Available online.
- Nasserzadeh, S. (2018) “Psychology of Orgasm” in Irwin Goldstein (Editor), Anita H. Clayton (Editor), Andrew T. Goldstein (Editor), Noel N. Kim (Editor), Sheryl A. Kingsberg (Editor) “Textbook of Fe-male Sexual Function and Dysfunction: Diagnosis and Treatment” of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH). Jul 2018, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Nasserzadeh, S. (2017) (Invited Review) ‘Becoming Cliterate, why orgasm equality matters’ by Dr. Laurie Mintz (2017) Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (in press).
- [Technical Contributor] (2017) “Sexual and Reproductive Health. Faith-based talking points for Members of the States”. UNFPA. Office of Multilateral Affairs Branch, UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Religion and Development. White paper. April 2017, New York. U.S.A.
- Nasserzadeh, S., Azarmina, P. (2017) ‘Sexuality Education Wheel of Context. A practical guide for sexuality educators, advocates and researchers’. Amazon books.
- [Technical Contributor] (2017) “Declaration of Sexual Rights”. United Nations, World Health Organi-zation and World Association for Sexual Health interagency Task Force on Sexual Rights. June 2017, Minnesota. U.S.A.
- Nasserzadeh, S. (2015) (Invited review) ‘Sexual revolution’ edited by Hekma G and Giami A (2014) Journal of Sex and Relationship Therapy. Published online May, 2017.
- Nasserzadeh S, Ribner D (2016) ‘Challenges of Culture’. Invited Guest Editor for Journal of Sex and Relationship Therapy, Vol 33 (3), August 2016. In press.
- [Contributor] (2015) ‘Faith Inspired Gender Equality Narratives’, UNFPA Office of Multilateral Affairs Branch, UN Inter-Agency. White paper. March 2015, New York. U.S.A.
- Nasserzadeh S (2015) ‘Comprehensive sexuality education: encouraging and opposing forces’. Arab Youth Newsletter, UNFPA.
- Nasserzadeh S (2015) ‘Ethnicity and cultural context of sexuality’ in 3rd edition of ‘ABC of Sexual Health’. Wylie, K. (Ed.). Wiley Publishing, Chester, England.
- Nasserzadeh, S. (2014). ‘Practical Recommendations to Work With Couples presenting with “Unconsummated Marriages” in Any Health Care Settings” Middle East Society For Sexual Medicine (MESSM) News Letter, 3rd issue.
- Nasserzadeh S (2013) ‘What suggestions should be put forward to ensure that a post-2015 development agenda has a lasting impact on challenging inequalities faced by children and young people?’ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Available online:
- Nasserzadeh S (2012) (Review) on ‘Living West, Facing East’ (2012) Sanjakhdar F, Journal of Sex Education
- Ingham R, Stone N and Nasserzadeh S (2010) ‘Introduction to special issue’, Sex Education, 10(4): 333-334.
- Nasserzadeh, S. (2010) “Understanding Sexual Health Needs of Hard to Reach Adolescents”, PhD Thesis. Middlesex University Publications. Available online via Middlesex University Open Access Repository at:…..pdf
- Nasserzadeh S (2009) ‘Sex therapy: a marginalized specialization’, Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38(6):1037-8.
- Komisaruk B, Whipple B, Nasserzadeh S and Beyer-Flores C (2009) ‘Orgasm answer guide’, The Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Nasserzadeh S (2009) ‘Sexuality education in Iran: personal reflections and professional experiences’ in Schroeder, E. and Kuriansky, J. (eds.). (2009) Sexuality Education: Past Present and Future. Westport Connecticut: Praeger.
- [Contributor] The Centre for HIV and Sexual Health, National Health Service (2009) ‘Pleasure: Why and how to raise the issue of sexual pleasure in sexual health work with young people’.
- [Contributor] Marston C, King E (2009) ‘Factors that shape young people’s sexual behaviour: a systematic review’, The Lancet, 368 (9547):1581-1586.
- Nasserzadeh S (2007) ‘Challenges of Muslim immigrants: a psychosexual perspective’, Psychother-apy in Australia’, 14(1): 65.
- Ohlrichs Y, Nasserzadeh S, and Doherty M (2007) ‘The International Platform of Sexuality & Relationship Education’, Sex Education, 77(3): 331- 332.
- [Contributor] World Association for Sexual Health (2007) ‘Sexual Health for the Millennium, A Dec-laration and Technical Document’.
- [Contributor] Bradford M, Hoggart L and Young D (2007) ‘The sexual health needs of unaccompanied minors in Enfield and Haringey’, Enfield and Haringey Teenage Pregnancy Partnership.
- Nasserzadeh S (2007) (Review) on ‘The science of orgasm’ (2006) Komisaruk B, Beyer-Flores C, Whipple B, Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. The Obstetrician & Gynecologist, 9(4):284.
- Nasserzadeh, S. (2006) “Three hours with a sexologist”. Teimorzadeh. Tehran. In Farsi.
Hoggart L, - Nasserzadeh S and Shamash M (2006) ‘Young people, sex and choices: a study of young motherhood in Haringey’, Middlesex University publications.
- Nasserzadeh S (2005) ‘What voices need to be included in the development of sexual health education curriculum’, Youth Net, Family Health International.
- Azarmina P, Nasserzadeh S (2004) ‘Access to sexual health information in Iran’, INASP Newsletter 27.
- Abdy M, Bowman E, Murphy J, Nasserzadeh S, Newton M (2003) ‘Project plan, 24 hour Resource Centre for Islington’, Stuart Low Trust, London.
- Azarmina P and Nasserzadeh S (2000) ‘My doctor’, in 6 volumes, health for public, Teymoorzadeh Publication, Tehran, Iran.
Life is worth living for the teachable moments and for the people that share those moments with us. The Little Black Fish podcast aims to decode the art of thriving relationships from bedroom to boardrooms by bringing you relevant and accessible wisdom from reliable sources.
You can see all the episodes below. Thank you for listening!

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Special Thanks to the LBF team
- Dr. Pejman Azarmina
- Rayka Kumru, MSexol, MA
- Savannah Aries